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Students Corner

DRBA�EInstilling Goodness & Developing Virtue Schools


Two Occasions for Showing off

��Wesley Sun
Developing Virtue Secondary Boys Schoo, Grade 10


Learning Chinese culture is not only good for winning places in competitions but also useful in life. Before I learned Chinese culture I didn��t know what my parents were watching. I thought that all those Chinese soap operas were made up stories. After learning Chinese culture I found out that the soap operas were based on historical incidences. Whenever I see my parents watching it I would ask them, ��who is it talking about?�� They would tell me some name like Kangxi and I would know.

In my social life I can now show off my knowledge of Chinese culture to my friends. If they��re wondering about something they just saw or if I go to an Asian-American friend��s house and see what his or her parents are watching I can say it and they might be impressed. ��Wow Wesley is so smart�� or ��How did you know that?�� but of course I know that I wont have a lot of chances to show off. None of these incidents have occurred yet but I��m waiting.

I am glad that I have learned about Chinese culture because it taught me how prestigious the Chinese really were. The experience of going to competitions is a very fun one. I hope that I will never forget what I have learned but, because it��s summer, I have obviously forgotten around thirty percent of everything.


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